future nav …

Is this the future of web navigation? Feeling the need to tear myself away from bid documentation, I decided to check out Google Earth. Now a really cool interface for me would involve overlaying Big Picture over Google Earth, with an option to communicate directly with your handheld GPS device (which also happens to be a mobile phone, PDA, espresso maker, etc.) Picture this, having trawled the net using this new interface, read the reviews and decided on the latest toy you absolutely cannot live without, you can zoom into the retail outlet nearest you and check out the traffic situation before leaving the house and have the location details sent directly to your GPS system cum coffee maker. Oh, if you are really astute, you will have programmed additional criteria into Big Picture to ensure that the gadget shop is adjacent to purveyors of female fashion goods, thereby earning extra brownie points from the significant half who will be chuffed to bits by this sudden display of generosity. And if she does murder you after discovering how much you have spent on said gadget, you will at least be posthumously awarded the Nobel Prize for Marital Reconciliation. Alternatively, you can sit on your fat arse, break open a six-pack and buy it through eBay. It will save you a new pair of shoes and (if you are really unlucky) a handbag.

Speaking of gadgets – if you haven’t yet discovered Gizmodo, check it out here.

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