project iWine …

After a couple of months of head bashing, I’m pleased to announce that my iWine app (for iPhones and iPads only) is ready for public testing … As a reminder, what it does is to make wine buying or selection less of a hit and miss affair. It does this by letting you set preference flavours for 6 types of wines (red, white, rosé, sparkling, dessert and fortified) so that when you search for a wine at the supermarket or sat down in front of an intimidating wine list in a restaurant, it fetches back the flavours people mentioned in reviews and returns a % match to your stated preferred flavours – a higher % means it is more probable that you will like it. The app also has a tasting record which remembers when and where you tasted a wine and a cellar function to help you keep an inventory of what you have got stashed away and its value for insurance purposes … which in my household won’t be a problem since nothing gets laid down long enough 🙂

Anyway, if any of you are interested, message me with your UDID so that I can include your iPhone/iPad in the list of development team and you can get the app for free! Best way to find your UDID is to open up iTunes and click on the serial number.

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